Volunteer Spotlight: Ryan

Ryan has been a volunteer with Interchange for the past two years, since around when the COVID-19 pandemic started.

“I wanted to help out, and this seemed like a good place to do that,” Ryan said.

He and his family typically volunteer a couple Sundays each month, when there is a food delivery to supply the Interchange Food Pantry satellite location at St. Mark AME Church. Ryan helps out on other days as needed, as well..

“I find packing the bags for guests to be really therapeutic, since you do a kind of similar motion again and again. It’s easy to clear your mind. I get a lot of joy out of that,” Ryan said, about his favorite activities as a volunteer.

“Helping people of course is also great; there’s always joy in that,” he added. “Helping others will always help you in ways you won’t recognize at first, and then eventually you’ll start to see the positive benefits for yourself and others.”

We’re glad that Ryan finds volunteering at Interchange so rewarding! Are you interested in volunteering with the Interchange Food Pantry? Contact us to learn more about opportunities and our schedule for volunteering.